Children day care center is an important project for BARACA. In the context of Bangladesh Street children’s are very vulnerable Position. This project ensure some services for street children. As like Group Education, resting facility, bathing, washing, recreation, Tiffin, indoor game, TV watching, some injury management and also night staying.
Out reach/Field work: We go to the spot where our clients are available to meet such as ghat, bazar, riverside, near at small factories, and near at garbage carriers and talk with the clients purposefully. When we did it with an individual is called “one to one session” and when we did it with a group is called “group education”.
Family meeting/Home visit: This is how we communicate with the client’s family members. Some clients live on the street along with their family and family members are engaged in the some profession(Tokai).When we meet the family members of such a client is called “family meeting”. Some clients work on the street but their family lives in slum or at home. When we go to a slum or a home to meet the family members of such a client is called “home visit”.
Day care: We encouraged the children come to the center to take rest and pass their time safely and comfortably.
Cleaning: We motivate to them about personal hygiene and provide cleaning materials to get clean.
Educational class: We conducted educational classes about HIV/AIDS, STIs, Hepatitis B&C, personal hygiene and the menace of drugs to make them aware and reduce the risk. Moreover we conducted weakly a life skill development and an informal educational session.
Nutrition: We make them aware of nutrition and provide some nutritious food.
Medical support: We provide medical support as per the prescription of our medical assistance for general health.
CFCF: To assess the clients so that we can take care of them more effectively we fill in a client’s first contact form (CFCF).
Referral: If we found major health problem we referred them to institution and continue a follow-up.
Counseling: Generally we counseled all our clients to adhere at the services we offer. Moreover we provide counseling for physical and mental harassment, depression, dissatisfaction, trauma and for preventing the child/early marriage.
Drawing Class: We conducted drawing classes to provide a creative recreation so that they can open the door of their imagination.
DIC & Night Shelter for street Children:
Billal Shah Medicine Markel (2nd floor) 7No. Hayabatnagar, Dewan Shaheb Lane,
Bazar, Dhaka-1100.
Mobile-01919 396 318.
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